23 November 2008


Not only have I sworn off the shampoo bottle, I've also sworn off the deodorant stick.  I've even gotten Ba'al onto homemade deodorant.  It was easy to make, it's easy to use, and it smells ever so nice.

Mix equal parts cornstarch and baking soda.  Add a few drops of essential oils or some crushed herbs if you like (I used dried, crushed thyme, basil, and rosemary).  Mix all that together.  Then add a couple tablespoons of coconut oil or shortening.  All the recipes I've read say to use coconut oil and I'm sure it's very nice.  But the day I ran out of deodorant, I didn't have money to go out and get coconut oil so I used shortening and it worked just fine.  Both are solid to liquid fats that your skin absorbs just fine.  You want enough to make a nice thick paste:  Start with about a tablespoon and a half and add in increments from there.  Store in a pretty jar or an old deodorant stick.  Use by putting a small amount on your fingertips and rubbing in.  Within a few minutes it absorbs completely with no white marks to be seen.

1 comment:

Frederick said...

Hello Oatmeal Mama! Coconut oil for deodorant purposes? Absolutely! That's because coconut oil's unique fatty acid composition is naturally antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, etc.

I sometimes use pure or virgin coconut oil (VCO) only as a deodorant and for oral hygiene as well. So many uses for this wondrous tropical oil.

Just my two cents. Take care.

Your Drugstore in a Bottle