I stand corrected. I got a couple of my facts wrong yesterday. I wrote that Holsteins in commercial dairy operations produce for around 10 years. The reality is that this Holstein is lucky to produce for FOUR years. It is cows in smaller, less aggressive dairy operations that produce for ten to twelve years.
One of the things I very much appreciate about the operation Kim and Doug run is that they don't put the calves on milk replacer after three days of life. Instead, they separate mom from calf and put the calf with a cow in their nurse herd. They don't milk any of the cows in the nurse herd; the job of those cows is to be wet nurses to the calves for five or six months. I think this is awesome! When I get my Dexters, I'm going to do the same thing.
The milking herd is Gurnsey and Gurnsey mix animals; relatively small but put out a high volume of milk with lots of milk fat. The average animal in their herd produces 5% milk fat, roughly double that of cows in commercial operations. The milking herd receives no grain. They are on pasture land, hay, and a milking time treat of dry molasses. The result is about three or four inches of cream at the top of the jarred milk and said cream is golden yellow.
It costs $40 to buy a share and $34 per share in room and board per month year around. We're going back down in a couple weeks to sign our contract and get started. In the meantime, I need to find a butter churn.
1 comment:
Sounds like a great deal for the cow share! I had my first raw milk, it was great! I'm quickly craving more of it. It's too long of a drive for me to get it every week, so I have to wait until I have a reason to drive 40 min south to get more! I am really wanting raw butter!
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